Wednesday, August 14, 2013


"Now why don't we show what is under that mask?"

A sinister sounding voice. It was young, but lifeless. It sent chills through her spine. If she could have shivered she would've. Her arms were bound behind her back and thick ropes kept her tied tightly to a chair. It creaked with each subtle move she tried to make. Her eyes were covered with multiple layers of black lace. It left her vision obscured as she searched for a face. All she could see was a pair of golden glowing eyes and a toothy grin.

"No peeking," it cooed in her ear as the glowing eyes disappeared from sight.

Her breath grew ragged and uneven. Her chest felt hollow and her face numb. The chair fell back and she crashed to the ground, her vision dazed and fading to black for a few moments as she hit the hard floors. There was a laughter ringing in her ears, it was pure delight that grew from her pain. Her mouth opened to let out a painful gasp. The ropes dug into her skin as she twisted and pulled.

"Now now."

The voice was like silk, smoothly reaching her ears. Two hands had grabbed her shoulders, pulling her back up and the black lace began to slip. She desperately tried to nudge it further down. The continuous sound of lifeless giggles rang in her ears. The hands still remained on her shoulders, but she could tell the figure was behind her.  The giggles had changed so slowly she did not notice the voice was now humming a cheerful tune. Layer by layer the black lace fell before she could make out a person in front of her. She did not recognize the face and with quick slender fingers the final layer of lace was pulled away.

A horrified scream echoed from her throat. It pierced through the air as she realized the face she was looking at was her own. Scars ran over her cheeks in every direction, leaving her face misshapen and ill looking. The mirror cracked as she took in her appearance, making her scream louder at the horrifying reflection.

The figure laughed again. "Why don't we see what you're hiding!"

Such a cheerful voice. It cut through her thoughts of panic and she stopped screaming. Voices filled her head. It was her own voice, shrill laughs and mocking tones all filling her mind as she was forced to listen to the lies her lips had told. She screamed, louder every moment to cover the sound of her own voice. Her denial grew louder and thin fingers gripped harder onto her shoulder.

The screaming was muffled and turned to choking sounds as the figure behind her quickly shoved their hand in her mouth, pulling back the sides and forcing her to smile.

"Come now, why don't we see how you really look," it laughed with delight.

Claw like fingers pierced into her skin and she screamed in pain. She felt as well as watched her face being pulled back, the skin peeling away as though it were paper. Underneath her skin was black and rotten. It fell apart as the figure continued to pull away at her face. It giggled with delight, scratching and clawing until the ugly and rotten girl underneath was revealed.

"How ugly you really are!" It mocked with sinister laughter.

The binding ropes fell and the girl was pushed  from the chair. She fell roughly on her knees and her face hit against the mirror, cracking it's delicate surface even more. Her reflection was warped even further as she pressed her hands against the glass. "This isn't me! No! This isn't me!" Her voice echoed in her head as she screamed, clawing at her own face as if to reveal another layer underneath. 

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