Monday, March 25, 2013


She opened her eyes slowly, her body curled into a tight ball. She felt like she was floating, that there was nothing around her and this was it. The silence screamed louder than any voice and her eyes fluttered open to reveal a large open area. There was nothing but black. She looked around, then below. There was nothing holding her, yet she was not holding herself up. Her body floated in the black mass and she was feeling as light as a feather. She reached out her hand and it moved through the air with ease before catching on something. 

Before she could wonder what it was a light had quickly blinded her, dimming slowly before a small orb floated  in front of her. Her breathing was shallow and her chest heavy as the ball of light did not move. Her hands shook in front of her, hesitant to move towards the mysterious object. The light did nothing but offer an odd warmth. It filled her chest as she moved closer to it, her hands cupped beneath it as it floated. She wondered what it was, what its purpose was. Gently she lifted her hand, lowering her finger against the ball of light. As soon as it made contact with her skin its blinding light returned.

As it dimmed her mind was filled with memories, not her own, all flickering like an old movie. It started off with a young couple and a small child. The film-like memories continued to flicker through different phases of the child's life before disappearing as the light dimmed. Her breath was caught in her throat and it took a few minutes before she could finally breathe again. Her chest rose and fell in an uneven and heavy pattern while her eyes adjusted. Now she looked around there were more of those lights. Small orbs floating around her, giving off their odd warmth. She reached forward again, touching a different one this time. 

This was different from the one before. She was filled with a deep sorrow as her eyes flickered across the memories. They began like the other, following through the child's life before abruptly ending. Her eyes blinked many times before she could focus again. She knew that light dimmed too soon.

Thousands of small lights floated around her. Some were brighter than others and some were already beginning to dim. Her fingers reached for one that began to flicker and fade. This one was different, she lost her breath as she felt thrown into a new area. As her vision cleared, she could hear cars above her. She could see people walking, pushing through the crowds, and watched as they waited for a train. No one seemed to notice her as she walked through the large group. Her heart ached as she looked through the crowd of faces, stopping on the face of one young woman. 

While she was not sure she stopped on that one face in the crowd of many, she did. There was no one else around now, no one else to focus on. Everything else was just in the background as she walked through the crowd, slipping past the many people all huddled and waiting for the next train. When she reached the woman she could see in her eyes they were empty. She focused on the tracks and was not bothered by the large crowd around her. 

She looked away from the woman, glancing at the large clock on the wall. A sudden rush of fear and worry washed over her. She felt like she was running out of time and she looked at the woman again. She touched her arm, but still was unnoticed. She walked around her and stepped in front of her. Once again she looked at the clock. Around her no one noticed the lonely woman standing near the platform of the train. She took the woman's head in her hands and kissed her forehead. She watched her blink a few times before the lifeless look in her eyes left and she turned away from the platform. The rush of anxiety left her and she felt her body being pulled once more.

Out of breath again, she was blinded. She had been sucked back into that dark abyss. Thousands of little lights floating around her, but the one she had just touched stopped flickering. It was brighter than before and she held the floating orb in her hand, cradling it close to her with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. 

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